MC : Arnold Meister
5:00 pm Peace gathering at Soto Zen Tempe
Food booths – Eleele School (baked goods, drinks), Soto Zen (chilli & rice, shrimp bowl)
Activities: origami, wish for peace, aloha slippahs, marine mammals, card games, corn hole toss
Exhibit – Eleele School students expressions of peace
5:00 pm Peace gathering at Storybook Theatre to congregate for Peace Walk
5:30 pm Peace Walk begins
5:45 pm Welcome and receive Peace with ringing of bell, taiko drums (Taiko Kauai)
6:00 pm Program: “Expressions of Peace”
Welcome & blessing – Hawaiian, Christian, Buddhist
Sabra Kauka, Rev. Rex Piercy, Rev. Shuji Komagata
WHS JrROTC color guard (Major Victor Aguilar)Singing of the national & state anthems – Karen Dickinson
Song: “Let There Be Peace” (Arnold Meister & Karen Dickinson)
Community groups:
Kauai Voices (Randy Leonard)
Bailes de Jose (Jose Bulatao, Steven Domingo)
Eleele School students- presentation of paper cranes
Marshallese Congregation (UCC-Hanapepe, Rev. Korn)
Eleele School 4th Graders – song
Taiko & Soto Zen dancers (Rev. Shuji Komagata, Evelyn Masaki)
Ka Pa Hula o Hinano (Kumu Troy Lazaro)
Recognition of Peace makers in our communityCommunity groups, volunteers, veterans, public servants, first responders, military,
national/international service volunteers, others who take an active role in promoting peace, harmony and goodwill among our communities
7:30 pm Mime – Prelude to concluding ceremony (Janet Carafa)
7:40 pm Wish for Peace – fire burning ceremony (Rev. Shuji Komagata)
Closing (Sabra Kauka)